The MDP at ISME conducts a variety of Executive and Management Development Programs for working professionals. It provides an ideal platform for gaining new insights in order to be successful in an increasingly competitive & complex corporate environment. The programs are aimed at broadening the outlook and strengthening the skills of practising managers and prepare them for the challenging roles of the new economy. The programs are designed after due deliberations such that the outcomes are focused around not just the knowledge part, but also the skill sets required.
- Provide the participants with an opportunity to learn updated management concepts and techniques relevant for formulating and implementing strategies in functional and strategic management areas.
- Enhance managerial skills of the participants and help them grow and develop in their fields.
- Enable participants to appreciate the interdependencies in an organisation and acquire perspectives in an increasingly uncertain world required for higher management positions.
For Whom
Executives & managers working in entry, lower-middle and middle management positions seeking to enhance their career paths. Participants with professional experience will be preferred.
ISME is a leading business school offering world class education through a student focussed culture of excellence, international outlook, entrepreneurial thinking and industry alignment. ISME was founded in 2006 by alumni from CMU, Purdue and Wharton, USA. ISME has always been at the forefront of quality education, with the vision of nurturing holistic, socially responsible and continuously employable professionals. ISME has been ranked as one of the top B-schools in Bangalore and among the top 40 B-Schools in India with all faculty having global & corporate exposure. Over 1300 ISME alumni are working in multinationals including fortune 500 companies. ISME is a part of NVT group of companies that includes NVT Quality certification, a worldwide quality certification body that has certified companies for over 25 years across 36 countries.
Recognition for Excellence
ISME has been recognized globally for academic excellence. Some of its recent accolades are:
- ‘Hall of Fame’ for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.
- Ranked 34th in India by Times B-School Ranking 2019. (
- Ranked 34th Top B-School of India by Competition Success Review 2018.
- Ranked 26th Best B-School in India by Business India 2019.
- International Achievers Award for Education Excellence by Indo Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand.
Today’s professionals must have strong business communication skills to meet the myriad challenges of their day today work. Our training program focuses on: Building dynamic and professional presentations, Increasing engagement with the audience. Acquiring negotiation skills that helps to build consensus.
Financial awareness is an essential trait for managers across all functional areas of management. This program equips them to analyse. financial information and apply it for business decisions. Our training program focuses on making business decisions involving budgets, cost savings, pricing, investment choices, and growth strategies. Use common analytical tools for financial analysis. Enhance decision makers’ ability to make critical strategic decisions.
Data is the new currency. Our analytics offering is designed to enhance managers’ use of data for deriving business insights. Our training program focuses on: Empowering professionals to identify opportunities through data analytics that will impact ROI, building foundational concepts and technical know-how familiarizing participants with analytical tools.
Digital transformation refers to an overall transformation of organizational activities aimed at leveraging opportunities created by digital technologies and data. This requires the company to transform its business model, infrastructure, processes, and culture, all geared toward constantly finding new sources of customer value. Our training program focuses on Key technologies that are disrupting the digital landscape. Digital initiatives for marketing, product development and communication, Introduction to emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, block chain etc.
Design thinking is a creative process of problem solving. This course is designed for the professional who is looking to imbibe the innovation culture in their organisations and deliver higher value to their businesses. Our training program focuses on: Providing tools to take a design project from inspiration and insights to ideation and implementation, uncover opportunities and hidden potential in your organization and create a culture of innovation in your organization.
In organizations risk comes from uncertainty in the environment. Risk management is the process of minimizing or mitigating the risk. Our training program focuses on: Understanding risk management regulations, Tools to identify, prioritize and evaluate risk, Risk Treatment and Implementation.
Trainers Profile
ISME’s trainers are drawn from over 50 of our full time faculty members and visiting permanent faculties, who have wide and varied experience in industry and academia. Based on project requirements, different faculty members will be available to provide their expertise. Faculty List ( provides an overview of our faculty, their qualifications and experience.
Our Clients

Rajendra Desai
Head – External Programs
Ph: 9886538504
Dr. Ravi KR
Head Placements and Corporate Training
Ph: 9731805468
Prof. Shurlly Tiwari
Faculty-HR, Lead-Corporate Trainer,
Coordinator-Student Development Cell.
International School Of Management Excellence-Bangalore.
Ph: 9819422812